Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So maybe it is a bit more different than I expected

So orientation is done. It went smoothly and I feel more or less prepared for the next four months. Mostly orientation felt like the first few days of living in the dorms freshman year. Where in God's name are we? Why are we here? Who are all these people?

We have seen a lot of the city already, including the Alhambra. Granada gained fame as the last Muslim kingdom of Spain. Its grandeur came from the Alhambra, the 14th century Muslim palace looming magnificently above the city. The Alhambra and the rest of Granada were finally surrendered to the aptly named Christian kings in 1492. As Boabdil, the last moorish king of Granada, was leaving the city to return in northern Africa, he looked back over his shoulder at his grand palace one last time and began to weep. To this, his mother replied "Yes, weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man." Talk about motherly support.

The monument really lives up to its hype. The building's architecture is intricate and breathtaking. It is unbelievable to even fathom the time put into each carving. I can't really describe it accurately enough to do it justice. So I am going to cop out and show you a picture or two instead.

See what I mean?

Saturday we met our host families. My family consists of a mother, Paqui, and her four children, Cristina, Jesus, Antonio and Pablo. That first lunch was definitely when I realized that this is going to be a bit more different than I expected. The kids spoke so fast they could have been speaking in Italian for all I knew and anytime I was asked a question, it needed to be repeated several times before I could stutter out a grammatically incorrect and broken response. I sat mostly in silence, occasionally blurting out compliments about the food. It was humbling.

I do think I will improve. I am starting to be able to express some things about myself that hint at the fact that I have some sort of personality lingering beyond the language barrier. My house is bright and warm and friendly. I am enjoying the toy car collection by my new bed and the large communion portrait staring back at me across the room. I have also been eating my meals next to a full pig's leg in the kitchen. Yum yum.

So that is all for now. Classes have begun and I am getting lost with less and less frequency. Progress!

Fun tidbit: Granada means pomegranate in Spanish.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having a great time Meggers! Can't wait to come visit you.

    Side note: You do realize that since you are an official "blogger", you're going to have to start using blog terminology. Here are a few examples you can use while blogging:

    Blogiversary - your blog birthday
    Blaudience - your blog audience
    Blogiday- you get fed up and take a holiday from blogging
    Blogophobia – Fear of blogs and blogging

