Saturday, October 10, 2009

A brief reflection on body image

A month and a half. Eating everything put within a two foot radius of my mouth and not exercising so much as my pinkie toe, that is how long it took for me to feel a bit squishy around the edges. Not bad I'd say.

Here is the issue. When a Spanish woman makes you, for example, homemade, authentic Paella, a recipe from her mother's mother's mother no doubt, you eat it. You eat that heaping plate and you thank your lucky stars for the experience. And when, a thousand spoonfuls later, she refills your plate with another towering mound, you eat that too. It would be unforgivable to refuse. Down right wrong. So, I will continue to eat my way through Spain like it's my job. Maybe I will go running occasionally, as I did for the first time two days ago, or maybe I will just come back a few pounds jollier. Time will tell. The thing is, it doesn't really matter. Life, I've decided, is about eating really, really good Paella.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are 100% completely right and I hope you continue to eat your way through Spain. I think if you find you put on a few paella pounds when you come back, you will certainly be jollier. Studying abroad is about soaking up the experience (literally). Bring on the paella.
