Friday, August 21, 2009

El que mucho habla, mucho erra

I think it is best to begin this account with an anecdote, to get everyone on the same page with how this trip is going to go.

A few weeks ago, in a desperate, but successful, attempt to scrounge up some cash, my sister Beth and I had a good ol' fashioned garage sale. The goal was to fill our pockets and empty our closets (along with most of the silence-of-the-lambs-esque storage room in the basement). Through the sea of bad books, useless appliances and senior citizens came a Columbian family with very limited English. So, I spoke with them in Spanish - my mind a complete haze of conjugations and vocabulary - and I began to feel more confident. Maybe I can do this after all! I am a Spanish goddess! That is, until I informed them that the tiny tchotchke the woman was holding cost 3,500 dollars. Minor mix up of a few spanish terms. That was about when they started to laugh.

All was well; they did buy it. But my point is this: This trip, above anything else, will be interesting. It will, of course, be other things as well. Maybe good: exciting, adventurous, a blur of cities and cuisine and things I don't even know about yet. Maybe bad: neuroses, loneliness, don't even get me started. But above all, I am definitely going to have some good stories. My poor Spanish alone will ensure that. The Europeans are sure to be amused and confused in the coming months.

So - for those who don't know - this trip I keep talking about is my four month study-abroad trip to Granada, Spain. A blink of an eye when you really think about it but worth recording nonetheless. The awkward moments will be as densely packed into this time as a Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Hope nobody gets trampled.

I hope you enjoy the coming stories. I wrote this early, in a frenzy of premature blogaculation, so I won't write again until I arrive.This is for me more than anyone, but I hope it makes you smile a few times. You've read this far, right?

Alright then. First blog post: check.

I have also provided a picture of Spain below for your enjoyment.

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